Trinity Digital Studios 10 Year Anniversary & Covid 19 May 2021

Posted on by on April 30th, 2021 | Comments Off on Trinity Digital Studios 10 Year Anniversary & Covid 19 May 2021

Hi All,

Trinity Digital Studios is celebrating 10 years in business this year and I’d hoped to be able to do it it style. However Covid 19 has delayed the celebrations for a while. Its looking like from mid May things are going to slowly open and hopefully we will have a summer to look forward to. Also I hope to be able to get my first dose of the vaccine soon which is good

Mark Reddy Food Photography Trinity Digital Studios

5424-003With the opening up of retail its going to take a while and not everyone is going to get it right so as a business owner I would ask if you see something that’s not being done right don’t go onto social media and slate the business. Contact the owner of the business owner or a manager and I’m sure they would appreciate the chance to rectify any problems don’t forget people’s livehoods are at stake. Until you are told different keep your distance,wear a mask and keeping washing those hands. As per Covid 19  guideline’s I will continue to wear the recommended PPE. As  usual I’m available to chat ,advise & consult on upcoming projects.

Don’t forget this is a great time of year to get exterior’s done when all the trees are full of leaves and everything is in full bloom so I generally would recommend all exterior work to look its best that it should be shot before Autumn. So now’s a good time to get outside tidied up, walls painted ,green areas tidied up and driveways & footpaths power washed and top up up on Vitiam D at the same time & don’t forget to wear SPF.Leaves

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